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 Hidcote Manor 2023

I first exhibited in Hidcote in June 2023.  This meant many visits taking photos of the gardens in the different seasons then producing a body of artwork for the first exhibition.

All of these found new homes during the exhibition

Wildish Woods

This is from the beech alle looking upwards, however the painting had a mind of its own and definitely got a little wilder than the actual place

Running Flamingo

Hidcote kept flamingos for a brief period but they didn’t thrive.
Doubt they had space to run like this one though.

Flamingo Group

More flamingos, I couldn’t stop once I started.

Tree on the Cliff Edge

All Alone

Inspired by the small shrubby trees that are seen in the cotwold hills.

Blue Flowers

In the summer the Long border was mostly over, however there were lots of this blue cented white thistle style flowers.

That inspired this multi-media piece with wie for the stems and crystals to make the flowers.

Autumn Tree

There were two iterations to this, the first was sanded back as it was too dark, but I loved this red/gold with just a touch of light green. Such a warming piece making you think of golden sunny autumn days.

Autumn Leaves

Autumn at Hidcote, there are some many types of trees and leaves. This inspired this group keeping a yellow/green/brown scheme.

Falling Beech Leaves

Watching the beech leaves twisting and turning in the wind, silhouetted against the blue sky inspired this picture.

Summer Seedheads

I just so enjoyed the previous one, I made some more. These two were created as a pair using Light Blue/Ultramarine/Indian Yellow/Magneta Pink/White

Summer Seedheads

But the amount of paint that was used was varied between the two, which made them two different colours but very compatible.